Potassium NitrateThe potassium nitrate fertilizer is 100% plant nourishing and fully soluble in water without hazard residues. It has 1:3 nitrogen and potassium composition which can be well absorbed by crops.
Calcium Ammonium NitrateCalcium ammonium nitrate is a high performance environmental friendly fertilizer. It has a high solubility in water and high manual efficiency.
Calcium NitrateThe calcium nitrate for agricultural use is a fully water soluble fertilizer and one of the most favored fertilizers in the market. The calcium nitrate can supply soil with calcium and nitrogen supplement, hence enhancing its physical properties.
Magnesium NitrateThe transparent monoclinic crystal is very soluble in water, ethanol, liquid ammonia and ethyl alcohol. It is stable in 15℃-20℃ temperature and has a relative density of 1.461.
UreaUrea is a type of nitrogen fertilizer of high purification belonging to the neutral readily available fertilizer. It exerts no harm or hazard residues in soil for long time use. It can be used as feeds for cud chewer.